This fitness blog is designed with busy people in mind. For so many reasons, it is important to make fitness a priority,
but not everyone feels as though they can incorporate it into a packed schedule. Here, you will find ways to lead a healthy
lifestyle, despite being busy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sleep - Get lots of it.

This is an especially important topic if you are trying to shed pounds. You may be maintaining a proper nutrition plan and exercising regularly, but if you’re not getting enough sleep, your body may not be accepting your most sincere efforts to drop weight.

Michael Thorpy, MD and director of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center at Montefiore Medical Center in New York said, "Sleep loss is associated with striking alterations in hormone levels that regulate the appetite and may be a contributing factor to obesity. Anyone making a commitment to lose weight should probably consider a parallel commitment to getting more sleep."

You’re not getting enough sleep if…
+ You feel as if you need a nap during the day
+ You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow
+ You easily catch colds &/or have trouble fighting one off
+ You have trouble getting out of bed in the morning
+ You have trouble concentrating

Eight reasons why you may not be getting enough sleep:
+ Interrupted sleep
+ Stress
+ Anxiety
+ Getting to bed too late
+ Exposure to noise
+ Exposure to light
+ Caffeine consumption
+ Alcohol consumption

So, how much sleep do you need?

WebMD suggests that each age category get the following number of hours of sleep each night:
Infants – Approximately 16 hours
Teenagers – Approximately nine hours
Adults – Range between five and ten hours

Don’t let your weight loss efforts go to waste; get plenty of sleep. 


  1. This was a great post! I know my life as a student is so hectic and I do not by any means get enough sleep, and here is another reason to get myself into a good sleep routine!

  2. I actually suffer or self inflict the problems associated with a bad sleep. I agree with with Liz that a student's life can cause many problems with sleep. When I was at Brock I often had classes that would start at 8:00 am and would end at 10:00 pm which was not only exhausting and stressful, it left me unable to sleep properly at night. The best sleep I ever had was in the army and that was because of physical fitness. I think that is the key to a good night sleep.

  3. I love sleeping, this one of my favorite activities. I am agree with you, when you do not rest enough you are not productive during the day. In my case, i am trying to sleep at least 7 hrs but i need more than that being honest. If we would not have to many assigments at school, probably I would rest more!!

  4. Ah sleep. I love sleeping. If I could, I would endulge in it more. It's good to know that sleeping is good for you and helps you lose weight as well as keeps you healthy in general. I think we should be encouraged to take more naps. An hour nap during the day is worth the same as two hours of night sleep. So if you do end up not sleeping enough at night, a nice refreshing nap can also do the trick!
