This fitness blog is designed with busy people in mind. For so many reasons, it is important to make fitness a priority,
but not everyone feels as though they can incorporate it into a packed schedule. Here, you will find ways to lead a healthy
lifestyle, despite being busy.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to Takin' Care of Fitness

Welcome to my blog.

This blog is designed for people who are busy, but want to establish and maintain healthy lifestyles through fitness and proper nutrition.

We mothers have one of the most important and difficult jobs, ever. As any mother would know, as soon as a child enters her life, nothing remains the same. The first thing I noticed after my child was born was how little time I had for myself. Because I had so little time for myself, and I was so inconceivably tired, I lost all motivation to continue my fitness plan. It was then that trouble started brewing; I began gaining weight, and a lot of it.

It took a lot of hard work, motivation and determination to get my fitness plan in motion again. Each day, I work on my fitness and nutrition plan to reach my goals in a way that works for me as a mother. I hope to help fellow mothers reach the goals they have set by offering my tips, strategies, research and support.

Here, at Takin' Care of Fitness, you will find these topics, and more:
+ How to exercise while your children are home, and awake
+ Budget-friendly fitness equipment must-haves
+ How to eliminate junk food from your nutrition plan
+ Mixing fun, children and fitness
+ How to maintain a stress-free fitness plan

Please feel free to make comments, add your own tips and connect to other like-minded people. 

1 comment:

  1. ( I am not a mother) but as a father I can totally relate to not having much time to work on a personal physical goal. Looking forward to getting some advice and ideas to benefit my personal health.
